Imagine having a direct line to your future self…

A way to send critical insights, reminders, and words of encouragement to yourself weeks, months or even years down the line when you need them most. FuturealityTM makes this vision a reality. Our free online time capsule platform allows you to write a letter to YOUR future self today and have it delivered via email whenever you specify in the future. This is a totally free tool enabled by supporter donations. Any contribution allows us to keep FuturealityTM running and improving for decades to come.

Write a letter to your future self:

This transformational tool is perfect for:

✅ Sending motivation at the start/end of big goals, projects or life transitions

✅ Capturing pivotal lessons, discoveries and growth you don’t want to lose 

✅ Setting future intentions and visions to manifest

✅ Therapists and coaches guiding clients through change

✅ Anyone seeking inspiration for their future journey

Here’s how Futureality letter sending works:

→ Craft your letter/ pledge to your future self 

→ Select whatever future delivery date and time you desire

→ Receive an email in the present to confirm your address

→ Then wait until your specified future date arrives to get your amazing time capsule!

Send your future self some encouragement and join the time traveling journey today!

P.S. >> No one can see your letter, the contents are solely between current and future you.

Make pledges to your future self:​

Sending future you pledges is slightly different to sending future you a letter.

In a pledge, you are pledging to your future self what you are going to do, what you are going to have achieved by the date current you sets.

Here’s how Futureality pledge sending works:

→ Craft 1 to 3 pledge(s) to your future self 

→ Select whatever future delivery date and time you desire

→ Receive an email in the present to confirm your address

→ Then wait until your specified future date arrives and celebrate the completion of your pledge(s)!

P.S. >> No one can see your pledges. What you pledge is solely between current and future you.

And Coming Soon...​

Send future you a gift! 

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